Find a Furry Friend

Our gorgeous girl Coral is now adoption ready in Sydney
This poor baby has had a rough start after being rescued from a family where she was with her mother and father and left outside with no socialisation or training. We turned that around and she graduated from Sydney Dog Behaviourist - George Tran with flying colours. She got adopted but sadly wasn’t wanted through absolutely no fault of her own. She is now with a beautiful foster family who have given her the chance and life she desperately needed.

From her lovely foster family:
Coral is a pleasure to have with us until she finds her forever home since the day we meet her she has always been so loving and friendly with us humans even with our kids our 2yr old absolutely adores her and even with meeting our doggos my girl is a little stand offish at first meeting but coral displayed great discipline with submitting to our girl and being more chilled when near her they have become the best of friends now

Coral does have a little separation issue doesnt like to kept away from us humans or our doggos will bark to let ya know she isn't happy so would love a play buddy for when your not around and she is happy with that company, she still has some chewing issues but don't all puppies she has only chewed things we have left lying around and she has been digging tree roots and chewing on them.
We are working on our recall when off lead as we get distracted and excited by everything around , we are also working on getting her to sit and shake she sits good and drops too
Coral walks well on lead she will pull a little at first as excited to be out for walkies, coral shares food out of the same bowl as other dogs if that dog is happy to share
coral loves to play tug of war with the rope and chase the ball doesn't always bring it back though

coral does use the crate but doesn't like it very much and can bark for about 10mins when first put in there

From her lovely foster mumma:
Hi am Luna.
- Likes to jump in the car and go for a drive to the beach or walking trails.
- Walks well on lead.
- Likes to sniff and explore the yard maybe throw in a zoomie too.
- After having a play, walk or run she is happy to chill on her bed or in the yard.
- She knows the words bed, sit, wait and stay but can jump when excited (easily corrected).
- Sits and waits for the 'ok' for her dinner.
- Sleeps in her crate and happy for a new day to start, she gets excited to see you in the morning.
- Luna is clever and learns quick, also watches everything you do just incase you try to sneak a snack.
- Loves to be everywhere you are and be included in the family activities or lounge around near you.

Interested in one of the above? Contact us today!